
Tokyo Women's Medical University

TEL. 03-3353-8111

〒162-8666 8-1, Kawada-cho, Shinjuku-ku, Tokyo

Graduate School of Medical Science

Graduate School of Medical Science

Molecular and Cellular Physiology

About us

Physiology is an important academic field on functions of living organisms. Physiological research aims to understand the mechanisms how living organisms live. Department of Physiology, Division of Molecular and Cellular Physiology is involved in molecular and cellular physiological research. We are studying the function of genes and proteins using the fast-growing information of genome scientific understandings. We use genetically-modification technology and RNA interferences to contribute medical sciences and physiology.


(1) Molecular genetic analyses on vesicular trafficking
(2) Molecular genetic analyses on neuronal functions
(3) Development of gene therapy by RNA interference
(4) Functional analyses on mitochondria
(5) Mechanism on regulation of tumor suppressors and cancer stem cells
(6) Molecular analyses on genetic inheritances


Shohei Mitani
Sawako Yoshina
Yuji Suehiro
Katsufumi Dejima
Keita Yoshida
Luna Izuhara
Naoko Sakai

Related links

Research Achievements Database


Tokyo Women's Medical University

8-1, Kawada-cho, Shinjuku-ku, Tokyo

TEL +81-3-3353-8111