


ドイツ ベルリンで開催されました。CARS2011(Computer Assisted Radiology and Surgery, 25th International Congress and Exhibition)

またFATSと共同研究を行っている千葉大学 先端治療工学研究室 相沢先生が発表を行いました。

  • J.Okamoto, K.Toyoda, Y.Muragaki, H.Iseki, M.Fujie, T.Goto, K.Hongo, Clinical use of neurosurgical arm holding manipulator, International Journal of Computer Assisted Radiology and Surgery, Volume 6, Supplement 1, pp.S83-S84, 2011.

    K.Yoshimitsu, Y.Muragaki, T.Suzuki, S.ikuta, M.Tamura, J.Okamoto, H.Iseki, Development of the Contactless Air Controller for Avoidance of the Pitfalls in Intraoperative Assisting Systems International Journal of Computer Assisted Radiology and Surgery, Volume 6, Supplement 1, pp.S149-S150, 2011.


    T.Suzuki, K.Yoshimitsu, J.Okamoto, M.Tamura, S.Ikuta, Y.Muragaki, H. Iseki, Video overlay system of surgical navigation window in microscopic view, International Journal of Computer Assisted Radiology and Surgery, Volume 6, Supplement 1, pp.S248-S249, 2011.


    T.Aizawa, R.Nakamura, Y.Muragaki, T.Maruyama, H.Iseki, Method to estimate the end time of brain tumor resection by using surgical navigation information, International Journal of Computer Assisted Radiology and Surgery, Volume 6, Supplement 1, pp.S141-S142, 2011.