
Tokyo Women's Medical University

TEL. 03-3353-8111

〒162-8666 8-1, Kawada-cho, Shinjuku-ku, Tokyo

Graduate School of Nursing

Graduate School of Nursing

Practical Nursing Ⅲ (Aged Health Nursing)


Aged Health Nursing explores nursing practice that supports the autonomy of the elderly and assists in the developmental issues of life integration, with the aim of achieving end-of-life care that respects the person's lifestyle and culture and "supports the person's way of life. Students will study theories and concepts necessary for aged health nursing and promote research to create a culture of way of life with an eye toward future communities in light of the changing times and social background.
In the master's thesis course, students will acquire the basic skills of nursing research to elucidate specific phenomena by connecting clinical questions to research questions based on their own nursing practice, with the aim of exploring and verifying nursing practice. The CNS Practical Nursing course aims to cultivate advanced practical skills by connecting theory and practice based on nursing practice that integrates the lives of the elderly and medical care. Students will learn how to visualize the results of evidence-based practice by integrating practice and research findings. In both courses, students will create Evidence Based Practice (EBP) in professional nursing practice through mutual learning with fellow students and individual independent and autonomous learning.

Possible Research Themes

- Research on chronic disease management and quality of life of the elderly living with illness, based on the characteristics of the elderly, regional characteristics, lifestyle culture, and sense of values: cases with one or more illnesses such as dementia, cerebrovascular disease, cancer, neurological intractable disease, respiratory disease, circulatory disease, renal disease, diabetes mellitus, etc.
- Research on continuing nursing care for the elderly: Research to elucidate the practices and outcomes related to continuing nursing care and transition in various care settings, such as discharge support and discharge coordination, outpatient nursing, home-visit nursing, recovery phase, rehabilitation phase, special care and group homes, and community comprehensive support centers.
- Research on end-of-life care for the elderly, advance care planning, and other forms of decision-making support
- Research on Well-Being and purpose in life of the elderly

Thesis Themes and Main Practice Facilities
■ Thesis Themes
○ Master’s Thesis Themes

- The meaning of interaction through food for elderly men living alone who have lost their spouses.
- The meaning of interaction through food for elderly men who live alone after the death of their spouse.
- Interaction with Care Staff Leads to Changes in Elderly Dementia Patients with Behavioral Disorders
- The relationship between wheelchair seating posture and lower limb edema in elderly people in long-term care facilities.
- Wisdom formation process of family members living with an elderly aphasic person

○ Themes for Research Paper

- Assistance of discharge coordinating nurses in discharging elderly people living alone from acute care facilities to their own homes.
- The actual condition of assessment and service coordination by care support specialists for those with pressure ulcers at home.
- The process of writing a living will for an elderly patient.
- A review of nursing practice related to advance care planning for elderly heart failure patients.
- A review of literature related to nursing practice for elderly COPD patients based on the concept of end-of-life care
- Literature review related to food support to enable oral intake in elderly patients with gastrostomy after stroke.

■ Main Practice Facilities

- Tokyo Women's Medical University Hospital
- Chigasaki Municipal Hospital
- White Cross Visiting Nurse Station


Tokyo Women's Medical University

8-1, Kawada-cho, Shinjuku-ku, Tokyo

TEL +81-3-3353-8111